And yes, we managed to make our own pinata!!! Up to now, it seemed like mission impossible to me. I haven’t really tried it for my self, but I am always relactant to projects that have multiple steps and a lot of waiting. I wanted to make one of my own THfor our Halloween Party (check it out here). So I searched and searches and bumbed into this YouTube Video! This tutorial was a revelation ! Such a wonderful idea. A china ball, craft paper and some pipe cleaners? Project sold! Super easy! So check out how to make your own spider piñata in 4 or 5 easy steps (just have some patience) Special thanks to hubby Yiannis for all of his help in making the piñata.
Step 1
Gather all of your materials: a china ball (the size depends on the guests, for eight guests I used a 40cm one). Black pipe cleaners and black crepe paper (got them here), black and orange tissue paper (Tiger) and black ribbon (Jumbo). Scissors, craft glue, duct tape and two eyes for the spider (used 2 cardboard 5cm diameter circles with felt round eyes in the middle). And of course the giveaways. Themed candy, and other small gadgets wrapped in paper giveaway bags (Tiger). And of course plastic spiders (Jumbo). These we all over the piñata to make their appearance when opened.
Step 2
Make the ball according to instructions and place it on one side. Fill it with the bags and spiders. Seal the bottom with some tissue paper or a napkin like I did and tie the ribbon on the upper side of the china ball.
Step 3
Glue with the tape the pipe cleaners. In the final product, Yiannis joined with some black duct tape two pieces of pipe cleaners to make the legs more realistic. It was very nice 🙂
Step 4 (optional)
We wanted to make sure that there are no white spots on the spider. So we glued all over the tissue paper with some flour glue. Then leave it to dry for 24 hours. If you don’t have the time, skip step 4 and go straight to the next one
Step 5
Cut the crepe paper in long strings and also cut to fridges. Yiannis was responsible for this part and to make time he cut the fridgers with the stripe all wrapped together (hope I make some sense in that one). Glue them on the china ball with the craft glue and glue the eyes and the tissue paper bow (ours happens to be a girl spider). You can even make two small triangles for teeth. I made them using the instructions of the china ball 😉
Your spider is ready !! Have fun breaking it to the ground.