Yes the time has come to publish new content. I really missed it. But I didn’t yet felt ready to do it.
I feel I owe an apology to my loyal audience whomever checked out for new recipes and articles all this time. The truth is I decided to take a few weeks recess at first. And then a month got by. And a second and a third one. I was ok with the new situation, not having the blog in my mind in such a busy everyday life. Then I made a decision: I was going to take my time, relax and get back whenever I felt ready. Because this corner of the internet is my passion and I want it to make me feel only joy. And this is my goal for now on. So please keep an open mind when I do not show up so often ok?
The new plan is one article per week. Every Monday. And will take it from there and see what the future holds for my sweet blog.
This doesn’t mean that I did nothing all this time. We through parties, cooked, baked and everything. But believe it or not for some of them there is not a single pic. For me this is just impossible. I always run to document everything. This is how tired I was.
Then September came along (its kind of my personal new beginnings month) and I was planning and researching for Penelope ‘s school meals and snacks. And then I got the inspiration for the cookies featured in the pics above. They are so yummy. And with only 2 ingredients? These are my kind of recipes. So the time has come: with my cell and camera I documented everything, to share my recipe with you. And give one solution to every mummy’s school year issue.
Adding to that, my sweet cyber home is now 4 years old. 4 years full of creativity, adventures and many life lessons. I wish for it to grow further and celebrate many years more.
So let’s check out the recipe and wish everyone a happy season (re)start!!

Yield: 1 batch
- Preheat the oven at 180 degreed Celsius.
- Place all ingredients in the food processor.
- Blend until there is an even butter and sticks out of the edges of the blender's bowl.
- With a spoon or ideally an ice cream scoop, make small balls and arrange them in a large oven pan covered with cooking paper.
- With a fork make lines gently on the top of the cookies
- Bake for 12 minutes. Its ok if the cookies are soft, beware of overbaking it will make the cookies hard.
- Let them cool for 5 minutes and then place them on a rack.